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HR Quote Form

Number of Employees
10 or less

Service Options include:

  • One Time Projects like handbooks, one time hiring needs for 1 or more roles, audits, compensation review and analysis, HR investigations or one off Employee Relations Consulting

  • Fractional HR/Monthly Retainer Options include a monthly amount of hours that cover many different HR services that you can use the hours toward (Employee Relations Issues, general consulting, leadership coaching, HR Questions, Policy questions and development, Recruiting and hiring support, etc.). Hours in some monthly retainer plans can roll over.

    If you have a more ongoing support need, please choose the monthly retainer option and describe your need in the space provided below the options section.

HR Services (Please select all that apply)
Do you have a budget? (Budget information helps ensure we can provide the services requested, communication that we are unable to provide services within your budget and/or suggest services or alternatives that fit more in your budget based on your needs)
I only have a quick question and would like to spend no more than $250.
Would like to stay under $600 total for the project/consultation
Would like to stay under $1000 total for the project
Would like to stay under $2500 total for the project
Monthly Retainer of less than $500 is preferred
Monthly Retainer of no more than $750/month
Monthly Retainer of no more than $1000/month
Monthly Retainer of no more than $1500/month
My Budget is flexible but would like to spend less than $5,000 total for the year
My Budget is flexible but would like to spend less than $10,000 total for the year
I need HR Support in many areas but would like to stay under $25,000 total over the next 1-3 years
No budget
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